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Welcome to the Bay City Chamber of Commerce

What does the Bay City Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture do? Good question . . . the short answer is we are a catalyst for positive growth in our county.
Our job is to see the vision . . . plan for the future . . . and effectively communicate to the public.

It's easy . . . together we grow Bay City!

The more investment dollars we have, the more we can do for Bay City. Our track record proves we are worth your investment. Members, please tell our story to your friends and neighbors.

We are proud to work closely with our neighboring chambers. We communicate often with the Matagorda Area Chamber, Palacios Chamber, and the Sargent Area Chamber. We are able to partner for the benefit of the entire county. We are able to help sell events and festivals. It is important that we keep current on what is happening in every corner of our county. We enjoy working together to promote the treasures in Matagorda County.
We value your support and membership in our Chamber. We know you have a choice. Everyday we want to earn your respect. We want to grow this community. Communication is the key, we need to hear from you.

Mitch Thames, President and CEO
Bay City Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture


2024 Membership Directory

Bay City Chamber Directory Cover

Copyright 2019 - Bay City Chamber of Commerce